News release. Short summary of project «The new steps into the future» results.

23.12.2015 09:27 Gagarin 9477 0  0
News release. Short summary of project «The new steps into the future» results.

Within the project a large number of actions was realized. In  summer the heads of  NGO “GAGARIN” were studying the bases of marketing.

At the same time the employees of the Center began studying  Estonian and English languages on  language courses.

In July the organization took part in the Fair of needlework in the port of Tallinn within the Days of the sea. We got the experience in communication with the audience, which was new for us, Estonian and English clients.

In  August 2015 we took part in fair abroad for the first time.They were held in the capital of Finland, in Helsinki.

Thanks to the brochures made within the project it became easier to inform clients about our services. The information there is written  in two  languages – Estonian and English.

A new Internet site was created for the organization.

More convenient interface, multilingualism, adaptation under mobile browsers, expeditious moderating and interactive communication with clients are problems which were solved thanks to a  new option of the site.

Project is supported by the NGO Fund of EEA Grants, which is operated by Open Estonia Foundation

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"Narva newspaper" about us.

22.12.2015 06:29 Gagarin 10747 0  0
"Narva newspaper" about us.

  Next - an article about our organization from "Narva newspaper".

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Information day about the project «The new steps into the future»

08.12.2015 10:12 Gagarin 9364 0  0
Information day about the project  «The new steps into the future»

Welcome to the information day about the project  «The new steps into the future»  12/13/2015 15.00.

See You at the address. Pushkin 5, Narva.

Project is supported by the NGO Fund of EEA Grants, which is operated by Open Estonia Foundation

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Master classes for our new visitors.

20.11.2015 09:29 Gagarin 9880 5  0
Master classes for our new visitors.

8 October and 18 November last master classes for our new visitors.

Project is supported by the NGO Fund of EEA Grants, which is operated by Open Estonia Foundation.

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Press release about the project «The new steps into the future»

05.11.2015 06:29 Gagarin 9168 0  0
Press release about the project «The new steps into the future»

Project is supported by the NGO Fund of EEA Grants, which is operated by Open Estonia Foundation.

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Participation in the Helsinki Fair Craft.

10.08.2015 06:29 Gagarin 9921 5  0
Participation in the  Helsinki  Fair Craft.

1 – 02.08.2015 Participation in the  Helsinki  Fair Craft.

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Tallinn Crafts Days.

20.07.2015 06:29 Gagarin 9395 1  0
Tallinn  Crafts Days.

17-19 July our organization took part in the fair of crafts in Tallinn. 

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Juhatuse liikmetele marketingu metoodika õpetamine

15.06.2015 06:29 Gagarin 8530 0  0
Juhatuse liikmetele marketingu metoodika õpetamine


Juhatuse liikmetele marketingu metoodika õpetamine - „Turunduskommunikatsioon ja uue sihtrühmaga töö arendamine“

1.sessioon 18.06.2015. 
"Turundusplaani olemus ja osad. Turuanalüüs ja oma tegevuse audiit"

2.sessioon 17.07.2015. Uue sihtrühma läbitöötamise põhimõtted. Pakkumiste kujunemine uuele sihtrühmale. 

3.sessioon 31.08.2015. Turunduskommunikatsioon ja uue sihtrühmaga töö arendamine. Turundusplaani konsultatsioon.

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News release. Project "The new steps into the future".

10.04.2015 19:03 Gagarin 9068 0  0
News release. Project  "The new steps into the future".

Project  "The new steps into the future" summary:

Our organization provides hobby and professional training in different kinds of handicrafts for adults. Our clients are the Russian-speaking residents of Narva; less frequently – people from other regions of Estonia. With the help of the project we are planning to attract Estonian-speaking guests as well as tourists from other countries to our activities.  

In order to achieve that, several steps have been envisaged:

-          Training on the economic aspects in the field for the NGO members

-          Creation of a multiple-language webpage instead of the present-day webpage in the Russian              language

-          Issuing multi-lingual printed materials

-          Courses in basic Estonian and Russian for the NGO members

-          Organizing pilot master-classes for multi-lingual groups

-          Participation in handicraft fairs in Tallinn and Helsinki.

As a result, the changes will affect both the organization and community. The organization will become stronger through the special training of the NGO members, gained new experience and new means of communications with the community.

Project is supported by the NGO Fund of EEA Grants, which is operated by Open Estonia Foundation (

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