Projekt "Mineviku looming - tuleviku inspiratsioon"

20.05.2024 17:15 Gagarin 585 3
Projekt "Mineviku looming - tuleviku inspiratsioon"

We have great news! Actually – we have it together with you. 😄 Our project *"Creation of the Past – Inspiration for the Future" ("Mineviku looming - tuleviku inspiratsioon")* has been supported!

As part of the project, we will soon hold a big series of events – workshops, lectures, excursions, and training courses. All of these events are united by one idea and one goal – to know, understand, and appreciate the heritage that Narva has received from the city's main industrial giant, Kreenholm Manufacturing.


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Projekt "Family Learning"

27.11.2022 20:46 Gagarin 2870 25
Projekt "Family Learning"

Seega on meie suur rahvusvaheline projekt “Pereõpe” ERASMUS+ programmi raames lõppenud. Meie rahvusvaheline meeskond (Eesti-Läti-Bulgaaria) tegeles kaks aastat vanemate ja laste ühise loomekasvatuse õppimise, analüüsimise ja populariseerimisega. Toimus suur hulk kohtumisi, kõikides kolmedes riikides peeti palju ühisüritusi, millest võtsid osa kohalikud elanikud...

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Screen printing cours. Erasmus+ project "Step by Step"

26.01.2022 15:41 Gagarin 3168 9  0
Screen printing cours. Erasmus+ project "Step by Step"

In January 2022, as part of the Erasmus+ project "Step by Step", we completed a three-day course on screen printing in Poland.

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. „Leaded & Painted Stained Glass“ cours. Erasmus+ project "Step by Step" nr. 2020-1-EE01-KA104-077765

15.08.2021 10:41 Gagarin 2314 15
. „Leaded & Painted Stained Glass“ cours. Erasmus+ project "Step by Step" nr. 2020-1-EE01-KA104-077765

 As a result of the 7-day training "Leaded & Painted Stained Glass"  at Itaalia IKO Studio, we adapted this technique for conducting master classes on making jewelry and souvenirs with Estonian symbols.  

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Micromosaic course in Italy. Erasmus+ project "Step by Step" nr. 2020-1-EE01-KA104-077765

16.07.2021 10:41 Gagarin 2672 12
Micromosaic course in Italy.  Erasmus+ project "Step by Step" nr. 2020-1-EE01-KA104-077765

In July 2021, with the support of the  Erasmus+ project "Step by Step", we completed a 5-day mosaic course in the Italian town of Ravenna.

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Soapbox Derby - 2021

21.06.2021 16:17 Gagarin 3441 1
Soapbox Derby - 2021

On August 28th, 2021 Soapbox Derby race will take place. The derby is a downhill race of motor-less vehicles. To participate in the race, you will need to make a vehicle, which should be able not only to reach the finish-line but amaze and amuse the public with its original design. All the participants will receive nice prizes from the organizers and sponsors, and the winners will be awarded very good presents.

If someone has forgotten or does not know at all, what the Soapbox Derby is about, they can check out our pictures and videos from the past races here: FotoFotoVideoFotoFoto VideoVideo.

Our Facebook page is here:

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"Pereajalugu on riigiajalugu" projekti tulemused.

19.01.2020 00:22 Gagarin 3196 0
"Pereajalugu on riigiajalugu"  projekti tulemused.

Pereajalugu on riigiajalugu.

Toimub  01.05.2019 - 30.01.2020 Kohaliku omavalitsuse programmi toel.

Selle projekti raames on 135  inimest uurinud perekondlike reliikviate ja perekondliku ajaloolise taustaga antikvaarsete esemete jäädvustamise, hooldamise ja restaureerimise meetodeid.

Projekti eri etappidel omandasid tegevustes osalejad teadmisi ja oskusi puidust esemete restaureerimisel, ajaloolise kirjaviisi, ehete tehnoloogia ja nende ajaloo alal, said selgeks sugupuu koostamise alused

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Sugupuu koostamist tutvustavad seminar.

08.12.2019 17:25 Gagarin 3947 0
Sugupuu koostamist tutvustavad seminar.

Sugupuu koostamist tutvustavad seminar. 

Loeng algab 12.12.2019.  kell 18-00.

Lektor Narva muuseumi peavarahoidja Aili Vester. 

Üritus on tasuta, toimub Kohaliku omavalitsuse programmi toel projekti "Pereajalugu on riigiajalugu" raames.

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Pereajalugu on riigiajalugu.

19.08.2019 19:17 Gagarin 4229 0
Pereajalugu on riigiajalugu.

kutsume teid "Pereajalugu on riigiajalugu"  projektis osalema.

Projektis osalejad omandavad ajalooliste esemete restaureerimist puudutavad oskused ja teadmised, säilitavad ning teevad korda perekondlikud reliikviad. Omandatakse algteadmised sugupuu koostamise kohta ning alustatakse  nende rakendamist. Saadakse algteadmised kalligraafia alal, õpitakse kalligraafilist teksti kirjutama ning taastama. Saadakse teada, kuidas identifitseerida ning parandada juveelikaunistusi.


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15.03.2019 22:45 Gagarin 5335 4  0

  "Kaasaegsete tehnoloogiate kasutamine käsitöös" projekt on rahastatud Kohaliku omaalgatuse programmist.

Projekti tulemuseks on  laserpingi ostmine, mis muutub organisatsiooni tähtsaks infrastruktuuri osaks.

Selle abil võib valmistada koolituste ja töötubade läbiviimiseks vajalikke materjale (šabloone, toorikuid, trafarette, abivahendeid jne) projekti kestel, kuid laserlõikur jääb pikemas perspektiivis keskuse põhitegevuse  oluliseks osaks.


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Soapbox Derby - 2019

Soapbox Derby - 2019

On June 1st, 2019 Soapbox Derby race will take place. The derby is a downhill race of motor-less vehicles. To participate in the race, you will need to make a vehicle, which should be able not only to reach the finish-line but amaze and amuse the public with its original design. All the participants will receive nice prizes from the organizers and sponsors, and the winners will be awarded very good presents.

If someone has forgotten or does not know at all, what the Soapbox Derby is about, they can check out our pictures and videos from the past races here: FotoFotoVideoFotoFoto VideoVideo.

Our Facebook page is here:

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Tuttav ja võõras Eesti

26.12.2018 17:07 Gagarin 4961 0
Tuttav ja võõras Eesti

Projekti „Narva käsitööpäevad "Looming ühendab!" raames pedagoogide ja käsitöömeistrite grupp Ida-Virumaal sai võimaluse tutvuda eluga,  inimestega  ja  sarnaste organisatsioonidega Hiiumalt. . Projekti raames meie tutvusime Hiiumaa kogukonnaelu korraldamisega ning  sellega, kuidas kõik soovijad saavad teha käsitööd meisterdamise õpitoas.  

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"Organisatsiooni võimaluste laiendamine uute töövormide kaudu" projekti tulemused.

07.10.2018 02:37 Gagarin 4952 0
"Organisatsiooni võimaluste laiendamine uute töövormide kaudu"  projekti tulemused.

Tänu antud projekti toetusele meie organisatsioon on saanud  spetsiaaalset telki ja tänavamööbli komplekti töötubade läbiviimiseks  laatade toimumise ajal vabas õhus, mis erinevate linnaürituste raames. 

"Kohaliku omaalgatuse programm 2018" toel.

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"100 kingitust Eesti Vabariigi aastapäevaks" projekt.

28.02.2018 11:13 Gagarin 19862 5  0
"100 kingitust Eesti Vabariigi aastapäevaks" projekt.

 "100 kingitust Eesti Vabariigi aastapäevaks"  projekt toimub 02.01.2018 - 30.04.2018. Kohaliku omaalgatuse programm 2017 toel.

Nagu oli planeeritud, antud projekti  kõige otsesemateks ning nähtavateks tulemusteks on enda ja vabariigi jaoks valmistatud kingitused.

Teiseks projekti tulemuseks on väga tähtis fakt – sada inimest, kellel puudus eelnev kogemus nimetatud käsitöö alal, saanud mitte ainult antud kogemuse, mitte ainult ei valmista kingitusi endale, vaid kingid valmivad ka vabariigi sünnipäevaks.

See tähendab, et Narva elanikud tunnetavad isiklikku tähtsust vabariigi jaoks.



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Project „New steps - new opportunities“. Phase 3.

20.05.2018 22:45 Gagarin 4391 15  0
Project „New steps - new opportunities“. Phase  3.

The third phase took place in Germany on the basis of the largest European glass materials and equipment reseller  - the Bohle Group.  The Group has educational center for partners’ training and our teacher had the opportunity to participate in the busy and dense course that allowed him to master several technologies in five days "Screen Printing", "Basics of Float- Fusing",

"Fusing Decals", "Wissmach 96 and Kaiser Lee Board", "Fusing Pencils", "Batik in Glass-Fusing"

The studying was not only theoretical but also practical during those three phases. Results of studying (made items) are now examples of the inner collaborative learning of our workers.

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New steps - new opportunities". Phase 2.

20.03.2018 22:45 Gagarin 4550 15  0
New steps - new opportunities".  Phase  2.

The second phase was to study the lampwork technology or Murano glass. Our teachers studied this technology in Venice where that technology historically had appeared and advanced.  Consequently it happened to learn from the experienced master in charge of traditions and to get acquainted with glass working aura and traditions in Venice and Murano, as well as during the first phase.  All these made it possible to know better the technology basics.

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Project „New steps - new opportunities".

30.11.2017 22:45 Gagarin 4782 20  0
Project „New steps - new opportunities".

Mosaic course Accademia D'Arte ADA Firenze.  Florence, Italy.

In the first  project phase the teachers of our Center studied technologies and traditions of Italian mosaics in the Florence Academy of Art.  There they  learnt the technology itself, new materials for us (ex. mosaic stones and its combination with glass), as well as real historical mosaic traditions on the basis of particular buildings and historical constructions. It is obvious that the teachers had also mastered new instruments that were in use in mosaic technology.

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Soapbox Derby - 2016

10.02.2016 06:29 Gagarin 11724 1  0
Soapbox Derby - 2016

On June 4, 2016, in the frames of the Days of Narva, 2016 Soapbox Derby race will take place. The derby is a downhill race of motor-less vehicles. To participate in the race, you will need to make a vehicle, which should be able not only to reach the finish-line but amaze and amuse the public with its original design. All the participants will receive nice prizes from the organizers and sponsors, and the winners will be awarded very good presents.

If someone has forgotten or does not know at all, what the Soapbox Derby is about, they can check out our pictures and videos from the past races here: FotoFotoVideoFotoFoto VideoVideo.

There are three obligatory requirements to vehicle design:

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News release. Short summary of project «The new steps into the future» results.

23.12.2015 09:27 Gagarin 9179 0  0
News release. Short summary of project «The new steps into the future» results.

Within the project a large number of actions was realized. In  summer the heads of  NGO “GAGARIN” were studying the bases of marketing.

At the same time the employees of the Center began studying  Estonian and English languages on  language courses.

In July the organization took part in the Fair of needlework in the port of Tallinn within the Days of the sea. We got the experience in communication with the audience, which was new for us, Estonian and English clients.

In  August 2015 we took part in fair abroad for the first time.They were held in the capital of Finland, in Helsinki.

Thanks to the brochures made within the project it became easier to inform clients about our services. The information there is written  in two  languages – Estonian and English.

A new Internet site was created for the organization.

More convenient interface, multilingualism, adaptation under mobile browsers, expeditious moderating and interactive communication with clients are problems which were solved thanks to a  new option of the site.

Project is supported by the NGO Fund of EEA Grants, which is operated by Open Estonia Foundation

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"Narva newspaper" about us.

22.12.2015 06:29 Gagarin 10431 0  0
"Narva newspaper" about us.

  Next - an article about our organization from "Narva newspaper".

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